Monday, April 21, 2008

The New Kids on the Block

These are the latest additions to the Hooper Family. Tyson "Ty" Gregory Markham ( top picture) was born on April 15th and David "Everest" Hooper (bottom picture) was born on April 10th. We now have 6 grandsons and 3 granddaughters which gives us the sum total of 9 grandchildren. Everest has been kind to his parents going to bed a midnight and sleeping until 5:00 a.m. Whose baby does that? Not any of ours. Ty on the other hand is creating bags under his mother's eyes. He thinks when the lights go out it's time to party! Dave and I are both glad to have them here healthy regardless of their sleeping habits. It's also nice to have a few more grandchildren close by us.


Reeses Pieces said...

I bet it's nice to have some more grandkids close by since Natalie and I kidnapped the other 6. It will be fun to see them in person here in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to see everyone!

Tracy said...

They are gorgeous! I can't believe all these boys lately. I'm glad you are feeling well enough to help with these babies and enjoy them. Sounds like Nicole will be in town soon--for Mother's day or ??? Let's get everyone together--maybe for Lindsey's shower if they are here. Anyway, just wanted to say congratulations. Love ya, Tracy

The Harveys said...

It is hard to believe how big your family has become!! What a wonderful thing- to have so many cousins to play with.

brittanimae said...

Thanks for your comment about our kids--we sure missed them! And we're sad to have missed you and the reunion--it sure sounds like everyone had a great time!